SQL Server 2019 Course for beginners by kudvenkat:-
Who now don't use that amazing and huge data center from Microsoft , SQL Server Made for storing huge data and retrieve it easily and fast.
what is SQL Server :-
sql server 2019 course |
SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft.
The main function of the SQL Server is storing and retrieve data used by other applications.
SQL Server works exclusively on Windows environment for more than 20 years. In 2016.
Requirements of SQL Server 2019 :-
- Have free 6 GB of installation hard drive.
- SQL Server requires Super-VGA (800x600) or higher resolution monitor.
- Memory Recommended 1 GB Ram.
- Processor Speed Recommended: 2.0 GHz or faster.
- Operating system Windows 10 TH1 1507 or greater
- Internet to download and install.
What you will Learn :-
- What is SQL Server?.
- Installing Management Studio
- Configuring the server.
- Creating a new database and data tables.
- Joining tables with keys.
- Creating a SELECT statement.
- Writing an UPDATE statement.
- Adding data with the INSERT statement.
- Creating views.
- Security.
- Backing up and restoring SQL Server.
- Creating user-defined scalar functions.
- SQL Server Stored Procedures.
- SQL Server Triggers.
- SQL Server Aggregate Functions.
- More and More.
Content of SQL Server 2019 course :-
- Install SQL Server 2019 Step by Step.
- Connecting to SQL Server using SSMS.
- Creating altering and dropping a database.
- Creating and working with tables.
- Adding a default constraint.
- Cascading referential integrity constraint.
- Adding a check constraint.
- Identity Column in SQL Server.
- Unique key constraint.
- Select statement in SQL Server.
- Group by in SQL Server.
- Joins in SQL Server.
- Union and union all in SQL Server.
- Stored procedures in SQL Server.
- Built in string functions in SQL Server.
- LEFT, RIGHT, CHARINDEX and SUBSTRING functions in SQL Server.
- DateTime functions in SQL Server.
- IsDate, Day, Month, Year and DateName DateTime functions in SQL Server.
- Cast and Convert functions in SQL Server.
- Mathematical functions in SQL Server.
- Scalar user defined functions in SQL Server.
- More and more.
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